How to Develop a Content Strategy in 9 Steps


Whether you’re new to content marketing or have been using the same approach for a while, it’s important to regularly review and update your content strategy plan to ensure it remains relevant, innovative, and engaging for your target audience. A content strategy involves planning, creating, publishing, managing, and governing your content to attract and engage your audience while also achieving your business goals. Considering that 70% of marketers are actively investing in content marketing, it’s essential to develop a strong content strategy in order to stay competitive in your industry.

9 Steps to Building Out Your Content Strategy:

Step 1: Establish your content business objectives

The first step in creating a content strategy is to define your business and its goals. This includes understanding who you are, what you do, why you do it, and how content marketing can help you solve customer problems and achieve short- and long-term goals.

Step 2: Research your audience

To create content that resonates with your target audience, it’s crucial to understand their interests, problems, and online behavior. Conduct research to create buyer personas, which are generalized profiles of your different customer types.

Step 3: Develop a unique voice for your content

Differentiate your content from competitors by connecting with the authentic core of your brand and sharing your unique knowledge and perspective.

Step 4: Document your content strategy

Avoid becoming part of the statistic of companies that have not documented their content strategy. Create a written roadmap that outlines your content strategy, making it easier to adjust and refine as needed and align your team towards common goals.

Step 5: Determine the best channels for content promotion

Utilize multiple channels, such as social media, email marketing, native content recommendations, owned websites, and display ads, to promote your content and engage with your audience.

Step 6: Measure the effectiveness of your content strategy

For a content strategy to be successful, it must be measurable. Track metrics related to consumption, sharing, lead generation, and sales to evaluate the performance of your content marketing efforts.

Step 7: Test your content and campaigns

Testing is essential to understand what content is working and what is not. Experiment with different variables to optimize performance and improve results.

Step 8: Continuously optimize your content

Use the data gathered from tracking, measuring, and testing to optimize your content regularly. This can involve incorporating relevant keywords, trying new subject lines, improving design, or adjusting distribution strategies.

Step 9: Repurpose content for greater impact

Extend the lifespan of your content by repurposing it for different uses. Update, rework, refresh, or adapt content to maximize its reach and engagement potential. Don’t let valuable content go to waste when it can continue to drive clicks, conversions, and customer engagement.


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